Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Colin <3

I might be thousands of miles away from home right now, but some things can never, and should never be forgotten. Because life should be celebrated and not mourned, it seemed not only appropriate, but imperative to have a drink (or two) for Colin Sheppert Pollock. I cannot believe it has already been a year since you passed away, and while I have no regrets, I know it would have been way more fun with you in it.

I hope everyone today was able to remember something good about Colin as opposed to focusing on the anger and sadness this day brought one year ago. As for me, I know somehow the kid is all around me everywhere I go...


  1. Allison how thoughtful of you, I was thinking of him and his family as well. It is a real reminder to celebrate each day and I am so delighted you are dong just that, Colin would be proud!!

  2. you spelled his last name wrong (pollock) but its cool, he woudlnt have cared. sounds like your haveing a great time! We are too. We gotta talk soon.


  3. I feel retarded that I did that because I know how to spell his last name. Wayy my bad.
